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Nordic Legal Tech Day 2022

Ayfie participated at the annual Nordic Legal Tech Day (NLTD), and this year were we not only present at stand, we also were a speaker! Alongside Partner of Kvale Law Firm, Per-Kaare Svendsen, Ayfie's CEO Herman Sjøberg spoke about AI in LegalTech and how Ayfie and Kvale are working together to make use of data classification for lawyers. 

Per-Kaare talked about how we have been working together to improve our product and why they chose us as one of their vendors on data classification and insights.

Here's a summary of our talk from NLTD:

- NLP has been around for a long time, since its introduction in the 1950s

- With the advance of ML algorithms and lower cost of hardware the progress has been enormous since 2013

- Today’s pretrained models lower the bar for companies (and any tech savvy user) to get started with NLP

- The new state of the art language models for NLP such as ELMo and BERT represent many possibilities regarding text classification

- Ayfie is now combining NLP with ML algorithms to deliver new functionality in this space

- Client collaboration to ensure the right product development has never been more important (e.g. Kvale)

- Low-code/No-code dev platforms enable users of all skill levels to design applications

- Ayfie now offers a new playground for developers and all users interested in testing our new text analysis APIs


Ayfie at Arendalsuka

Arendalsuka is the biggest arena for political debates in Norway; a whole week filled with panel discussions on relevant subjects. One of the themes this year was digitalization and for that Ayfie participated on two related debates. Watch them here! (NB: In Norwegian.)

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